Some people are really crazy about this wonderful, lovely, beautiful, intelligent, clinging, lively dogs.....-well, so every "Dalmatinitis" starts.
Since I began to read barrels of books about dogs when I was a child, it was my deepest desire to own a Dalmatian. Every Christmas I wrote a list of wishes and my parents propably had nightmares, but stayed resolute. Some day I fulfilled my dream on my own: a puppy moved to my home.
The problem is that you're often so enthusiastic about your dog that you're planning to adopt such another spotted lunatic. Well, even for a second dog was enough space and everything else- and so I had two shadows from this day on.
Grown up in the sunny South of Germany, we moved to the coast of the Baltic Sea in the meantime.
With the enthusiasm for this breed the wish grew to breed them by myself.
All the requirements were tackled and in winter 2000 a dream came true: the A-litter of our kennel was born!
After this litter with 6 liver pups from 8 it was clear: our "family" needs a liver girl. After the most beautiful bitch from the litter was only unilateral hearing, a lovely young lady called "Jana" (Bibiana von der Strengliner Mühle), 4 months old, moved in. I knew her since she was a puppy and I fell in love with her quite early.
In the meantimes years passed by and we spared no efforts to prevent this lovely breed, to improve it and to give the breed valuable input - be it the import of frozen semen from Canada, the import of a bitch with almost extinct blood lines from South Africa or the journey to Mr. Right in Los Angeles.
Pleasant successes in breeding, in the show ring, but also in the single families where our dogs live encourage us to adhere to this intents.
At the moment Abs, a daugter of our Pri vom the P-litter, Lava from the U-litter and Whippet lady Rani live with us.
Rani, from the swedish kennel "Chase Me", fulfills my dream of a Sighthound which is almost as old as my Dalmatian enthusiasm, beginning with Galgos and Greyhounds. In my beginning the second dog, added to my first Dalmatian, should be a Galgo Espanol - but when the breeders were asking me to show the dog I withdrew my inquiry and sticked to the Dalmatian - who knew what the journey of life would bring me years later! This interest in Sighthounds led my path to the Whippets more than 20 years later. A lovely breed with a gorgeous character and a bit easier to handle than a Galgo or Greyhound. I am also looking forward to enjoy his side of my breeding future!
By the way: WE are (besides the dogs) the cats Jazzy & Milu and of course the two-legged pack leader Viola and her husband Karsten.
Since October 2007 we were completed by little sunshine Naemi, my daughter.
The family during a Sweden holiday
From left to right:
Kama vom Stiftland (our first dalmatian bitch), Bibiana von der Strengliner Mühle (foundation bitch of our kennel) & Assiduitas Eccentric Echo